Current Projects at the Exchange


Roofing project

The roofing project is underway. Clubhouse roof shingles have been replaced. Roofing on 4870 will be replaced next, followed by the 4860s. Please refer to the separate roofing emails for further details and important updates. In the interim, please be patient with minor delays and follow the contractor and/or in-house staff’s directions, especially with parking restrictions and temporary street closures.

balcony update

This week the crew finished up removing the scaffolding in the 4854 courtyard (delayed last Friday due to heavy winds). They began demolition on one of the remain three balconies in the 4860 courtyard. With some additional work to be completed on this balcony, they will delay demolition of the other two balconies.

Community garden plot

They are going fast. Of the 6 available last week, there is one (1) garden plot remaining for residents to use. If interested in planting in the Community Garden, contact Sydney at Management Office for details. Shall we have a “largest tomato” competition (for bragging rights only of course).